Monday 21 December 2015

Blogging Tips Series : How to Make A Choice Between A Blog And A Website

Hello and welcome to this series. The beginning part of this series is written with Beginners as the primary audience, but notwithstanding, experienced bloggers can gain a thing or two.
This article is focused on the choice every new blogger/business person has to make before starting up a blog or website.
Make no mistake, a blog and a website are two different things, although they are used in the same context sometimes. When surfing the net, you either come across a blog or a website. The basic difference is the style and method applied in publishing content on them.

What is a Blog?
Simply put, an online diary. It is meant to be updated regularly, either with personal articles or articles of choice as pleases the owner. Blogs allow interaction between the owner and visitors in from of comment system. A blog has it's articles arranged from the most recent to the oldest. A blog is owned by one individual, who may manage the blog alone or give access to other individuals to assist in managing. A blog can be manipulated to show an archive of other posts, random posts, most read posts and posts from other websites. Examples of blogs are,, etc.

What is a Website?
Unlike a blog, a website is not just updated with new posts. It has pages, an a collection these pages forms the website. Unlike blogs that do not require programming knowledge and is not technical, a website requires a good knowledge of programming to be able to build and manipulate pages and images, to be able to update pages and link pages. The home page of a website is usualy titled 'index.html' and it is from this home page that links to other pages are made. You can either create your website using languages like HTML, PHP and most times a combination of CSS and Java script as well as others. You can use tools like DreamWeaver or Kompozer to ease this process or you can simply use a free site builder online. You may need professionals to maintain your website and keep it up to standard. It is mostly used for business purposes. Examples of websites are,,, etc.

Now as a beginner, the choice is yours. You can either go for a website or a blog, depending on what you plan to do with it. Should you choose a blog, you can get yours designed as beautiful or even more beautiful than mine in as little as 5mins. The major platforms available for this is called Blogger and Wordpress. My kind of blog is made under Blogger and the whole process is FREE.

Are you ready to begin your journey into the world of publishing??? But wait, What type of content would you be publishing should you open a blog?Sports?Fashion?Tech?Gossips?Every story you come across??? Keep thinking about it buddy...Our next tutorial will help you decide and guide your start up. Much Love.


About Unknown

I am Miller,a Computer Scientist, Social Media expert, Online marketer and Entreprenuer. I am the founder of this blog and I run it with my team. I am passionate about Tech. Miller is Tech and Tech is Miller.

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