Write for Us

Millerszone is passionate about our audience and we are interested in helping you gain the exposure and buzz you seek. We welcome writers who are passionate about writing tutorials and tips related to blogging, tech news, phone reviews and tricks, interesting articles/stories, social media, digital marketing, money-making ideas. etc

Why Write for Us?
Writing for Millerszone will expose you to targeted dedicated group of readers which comprises of tech experts, bloggers and other non geeky readers. Your article will be widely publicized as each post on our blog is syndicated with our Facebook and Twitter fan page. It will also be sent as an email to our loyal subscribers.
Your article will always be on our blog and a link to your website will be added, thus helping you drive traffic to your website.

Ready to send your post? Compile it and send to info AT millerszone DOT com. We may edit your article to meet up certain requirements. All posts should be original and you are responsible for replies to that post. It must not promote adult content or be a fraud in anyway. It should not be an affiliate post.
NOTE: Guest Posts are UNPAID for.
We allow you to add your bio and a link to your website or social media profile.

Send your articles to info AT millerszone DOT com.
We look forward to working with you and helping you grow as you help us grow. Welcome to the Mzone team.