Tuesday 26 January 2016

How To Be An Amazon Affiliate And Earn Commission in Dollars

Affiliate marketing is the real deal. For bloggers with little traffic, making money on your blog using Google AdSense is almost impossible. Google adsense would not even give you upto $1 a day if your traffic is ordinary.

This is one reason affiliate marketing is still ideal for new bloggers and old ones alike.

In simple terms, affiliate marketing is advertising a product on behalf of a company or organization and getting paid (usually between 3%-20%) of any transaction. That means if your affiliate program pays you 10$ per product and you advertise a product worth $100 on your website and someone uses your link to buy it, you automatically earn $10. Easy right?

Amazon affiliate program lets you add product ads of your own interest or niche on your website.

You can pick any product at all, write a review about it then add a link to Amazon for interested buyers. You can do this for as many products as you like.

How do I start?

Visit Amazon Associates

Signup to create an account.
Fill out the forms (patiently do that)

Once you have completed this step, you will be directed to the home page where you will see your dashboard.

Select the type of ad format that you want to include by going through either "Links & Banners" or "Widgets The best being Links & Banners. You may choose to add a recommended ads type like is on my blog.
Amazon affiliate

Move the cursor over Links & Banners to get a drop down list. Under this click "Banner Links". Amazon allows four standard sized banner formats. The best one being 300 X 250 and 160 X 600. But again ad size depends on your blog width, design and space available.

Select the desired advert type. Copy the advert code generated.

Now log in to your blogger account. Navigate to your blog and click 'Layout', which will display your blog's layout. There click "Add a Gadget".

Clicking 'Add a Gadget' will display a list of gadgets. scroll down to see 'HTML/JavaScript'  gadget, click that.
Doing this will display a popup window like shown below.

If you wish; you may give some title like 'Advertisement', 'check this' or any other similar title's. You can also leave this blank.

Paste the copied code from amazon account in the 'Content' space provided.

Click Save and you are done. If you view your blog, you will see a banner immediately. To change the location of the ad, just drag the html gadget in your blogger layout to the desired place and click 'Save changes'

This is how we place Amazon Affiliate ads in our blogger account.


About Unknown

I am Miller,a Computer Scientist, Social Media expert, Online marketer and Entreprenuer. I am the founder of this blog and I run it with my team. I am passionate about Tech. Miller is Tech and Tech is Miller.

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