Wednesday 25 November 2015

Articles: PRETENCE

What is the essence of living
When death hugs you!
The essence of loving?
When pain is the price.
And smile?
When hate fills you.
For how long...

Can hate hold a thing together
What price would there be
Towards my sacrifice of love
Cupid gives the price for love?
Then pay me back now....
Not until love kills me..
strangles the little life
out of my feeble heart
Till my lungs give up for fear

A thousand years of pain
Load of clothes,
wet from tears
Messed up hair
Swollen face
A million words of blame
Pointed fingers
But only towards yourself
Thoughts and thoughts
"What coulda been done different"

She'd fake that smile
Smile at everyone
and at every joke
Even when it doesn't seem funny
At least not at that moment of pain
"I'm fine"
She'll always say
When deep down
She's burning up

That's a woman
Always have
Always will be
For a thousand centuries
And beyond
For more to come

That's the strength of a woman
Years past
And years to come
She'd always pick up the pieces
despite all odds
And moving on becomes sure.

Written by KitKat


About Unknown

I am Miller,a Computer Scientist, Social Media expert, Online marketer and Entreprenuer. I am the founder of this blog and I run it with my team. I am passionate about Tech. Miller is Tech and Tech is Miller.

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25 November 2015 at 11:20 delete

Sure, I personally enjoyed reading it.


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